Is the Museum associated with Harry Potter?

No! The museum has no relation to J.K Rowling or exhibits any Harry Potter-related items. The exhibits you will see are genuine artifacts associated with the history of Witchcraft, Magic, Occult, and fortune-telling/divination.

Are witches and warlocks real?

Yes and no! The Witches portrayed in films and books are the works of fiction and folklore.

Modern Witchcraft is real and has been a practice or religion since the early 1950s. However, the magical practices are much older and practiced in many cultures. Here, in Scotland magical practitioners where known as Spae-folk or wise women or men

Were people accused of witchcraft in the 17th century really witches?

Sadly No! Although some accused may have been magical practitioners known as wise women or men, the crime of witchcraft was a Christian theology built on fear and paranoia. Often, in the 17th century, witches were seen as agents of the Devil and would do only harm to the neighbours.